3 Common Residential Painting Problems and How a Professional Painter Can Resolve Them

For many people, repainting the house seems like a simple activity. Some even involve their children and make it a fun activity. However, if you want a paint job that will last for years without developing issues, you have to plan adequately and involve a painting contractor. Here are the three most common painting problems that your home might encounter and how a professional can help you avoid them.

1. Paint Blistering

Blisters start as bubbles on the underlying surface. With time and changes in the humidity, the blisters pop, and you get scabs all over the wall. Typically, the paint blisters form when it draws moisture from the surrounding area during the paint application process. Therefore, to avoid scars and blisters, professional painters usually paint when the humidity is low.

If they clean the walls before applying the paint, they ensure the surface is completely dry.  Therefore, you should always hire a professional painter to help you with your painting project instead of handling it alone. An experienced painter understands the best painting practices, including choosing the perfect primer and undercoat to prevent blistering.

2. Paint Cracks

Cracking is a common problem in DIY paint projects. It happens when you paint in a hurry. Typically, it is the consequence of applying a fresh coat of paint before the first one dries up completely. The layer of paint above the wet one will dry, but the wetness beneath will make the film split.

To remedy the problem, your painter will scrape and feather sand the part where the paint has cracked. Then, they will reapply a primer and install a fresh coat of paint.

3. Mould and Mildew

Mould and mildew are dark brown and grey spots that mainly form on the walls of a building. They develop in sections with excessive moisture and poor ventilation. Lack of sunlight could also lead to mould development. First, you can try and scrub the affected area with vinegar to get rid of the mould. If this does not work, call a painting contractor. They will apply a stain-blocking primer and apply fresh paint.

The painter will then assess the ventilation and advice you accordingly. They may also recommend that you fix any plumbing issues that could be causing excessive moisture on your walls.

Hiring a residential painter is better than handling paint jobs on your own. The professional will minimise painting problems, which will keep your paint looking fresh.

To learn more about residential painting, contact a contractor near you. 
