Should You Paint Pedestrian Crossing Lines on Your Office Car Park?

While you may have had basic car park lines painted on to your office's car park to mark out parking spaces, you may not have added any other line markings to the area. However, adding other demarcation lines, like pedestrian crossing lines, may be useful.

How can you work out if your car park needs these lines?

Do a Pedestrian Walk-through

If people have to walk through your car park to get to your building, then they may have problems negotiating their way safely through the car park's traffic. For example, you may have visitors who visit your company on foot or by public transport. To get into your offices, they may need to cut through your car park.

If you drive to work, then you won't necessarily know how this works. So, try a pedestrian walk-through from the street to the entrance of your building.

Walking the walk shows you how safe it is for pedestrians to walk up to your building. If you don't have specific paths that pedestrians can use and you spot areas where accidents might happen, then adding some crossings or blocking off some areas as pedestrian walkways may make things safer.

Get Opinions from Your Staff

Your staff may have a different experience of using your car park than you do. You may have one of the best parking spaces in your car park that puts you close to your entrance door with only a short walk into the building.

However, some of your staff will have to park further away. They will have to walk through the car park itself to get into work. It's worth asking staff how safe they feel when they walk from their cars into the building. Ask if they ever have close misses or even accidents when they're walking through the car park and they have to walk around vehicles that are coming in and out.

Your staff may be able to tell you about blind spots or other areas where pedestrian access isn't as safe as it might be. This may help you decide if it's worth adding some pedestrian crossing areas in the car park.

Bear in mind that an accident in your car park could give you a legal headache. If you think that your car park needs extra markings like pedestrian crossing lines or walkways, then talk to local road lines service to see how they can help.
